Web Page Design
Energy Consumption
Linear Story
Interactive Monitoring
This shows how my web page was designed, it takes you through the process of it, of how each page looks and how it is set out.
I chose to keep the web pages simple yet effective as it is easy to navigate through, for example i chose to put the links at the top as this will easily be visible for the viewer.
I mapped my progress of how much energy i used within a week and placed it on a Excel chart.
Once i had mapped my energy consumption, i got in a group and had to come up with a concept which enables other users to physically map out your energy readings with pieces of strings.
The whole point of the task was for other users to be be interactive and to understand your idea in the simplest way.
My group focused on how a square could represent a room in the house, and the more energy that has been used in that room the more bigger the square would be. It was easy to map out but others struggled to understand the concept but eventually understood it, with a bit of explaining.
Different groups attempted each others ideas.
We were asked to produce a non linear narrative.
The three words i was given was:
At first I was not sure what my story could be about as I had 3 words that were random but as I started to make outcomes I could see that the story started taking shape itself. When the reader is following the story they will have to make a choice on which way to go. I done this on several occasions through out the story but thought if i have a lot of outcomes it could lead the reader to forgetting the story.
Processing is website that allows you to design Movement of data or material towards a known goal. In this case I experimented different outcomes with moving shapes.
I took it a step further and added music into the code so I could make the shapes move align with the song.
The second part of processing workshop, i took images and made them appear only if the cursor was located on certain part of the screen. As you can see below each image i chose reflects night and day. So when the cursor is on the left side of the screen it shows the picture that resembles night, and when the cursor is on the right side of the screen it shows the picture that resembles day.
I created letter forms and experimented with different colour and sizes. I added a number at the top so when you either move the cursor left or right the numbers would increase or decrease.
I took it a step further and created the text so it rotates.
Reader chooses which path to follow in the story